Following World War II, a team of marine science champions, including Canadian icon Dr. W. E. van Steenburgh,
envisioned a multidisciplinary ocean research centre that would be equipped to meet the future needs of ocean management
in an emerging global economy.
In 1962, their vision became a reality when the Bedford Institute of Oceanography opened its doors on the shores of the Bedford Basin
in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, and constructed the expedition vessel - the Canadian Coast Guard Ship Hudson.
The Institute conducts world-class oceanographic research; providing advice and support on ocean issues including safe navigation,
offshore energy development, sustainable fishing, climate change, and protecting marine biodiversity and aquatic species at risk.
Comprised of more than 600 employees from six federal government departments, the Institute has become a welcomed part of its
community by providing public tours and exhibitions; and by partnering with local universities, industry, and community groups.